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Articles from March/April 1999:

The Mysterious Pyramids of China, by Scott Grady, CHt

Let's Take a Look at Our Attitudes, by William A. McGarey, MD

Alternating Douches of Atomidine & Glycothymoline, by Ann L. Manby, NMD

Cayce predicted that the ruins of an ancient civilization would be found in China. Do these earthen mounds point to an earlier genesis for Asian culture? Some researchers think these mounds may date back to 10,500 BC.
The Mysterious
Pyramids of China

by Scott Grady, CHt
Research & Education, A.R.E. Clinic

In his psychic readings, Cayce made many references to an ancient civilization in the northwestern area of China. According to Cayce, this civilization existed long before what is presently considered to be the origin of Asian civilization. New evidence related to the discovery of huge pyramidal mounds in China suggests that Cayce’s readings may be right and the origins of Chinese history may be pushed back thousands of years.

Perhaps a hundred unexplored pyramidal mounds lie in the agricultural district to the south and west of Xi'an in China.
Cayce said that there were originally five great civilizations in the world. He called them “the Five Projections.” These civilizations were located in Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, Eden, and the Himalayas. The Himalayan civilization — also known as “the Gobi land” or “the Mongol land” — apparently stretched from what is now Tibet through the Tien Shan mountains (the traditional home of Shamballah or “Shangri-La"), past Ching Hai lake to the fertile fields south of the Wei River valley and Xi’an — the ancient capital of China — and on up into the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.
An artist's rendering of the burial site of Shih Huang Ti, site of the terra cotta warriors and an earthen pyramid.

The pyramids lie in the agricultural fields south and west of Xi’an. Xi’an is the ancient seat of power in China, where the first emperor consolidated the many warring states and established monumental works such as the Great Wall of China. The famous terra cotta warriors, which were discovered in 1978, are part of this first emperor’s burial complex. Also in this burial complex is a large earthen pyramid.
The "Great White Pyramid" is twice as tall as the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Within the known historical period of China, many important figures had pyramidal mounds as part of their burial monument. But in the fields southwest of Xi’an there are purported to be perhaps a hundred earthen pyramids, each of a size comparable to the pyramids of the Yucatan or those of Egypt. Some pyramids are small and some are huge. One, dubbed “the Great White Pyramid” is said to be approximately 1000 ft. high, or twice the height of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

This photo, smuggled out of China, shows how the Chinese are planting trees on the pyramids to help conceal them.
Not many people know that there are pyramids in China. These structures are normally described as “burial mounds,” and their pyramidal shape is glossed over. It is believed that China has purposefully underrepresented their findings in order to protect the sites from overzealous foreign archaeologists and looters. China is well aware of the history of archaeology in Egypt, Greece, and Mexico, and how this scientific pursuit became a massive conveyor belt shipping the ancient treasures of poor countries off into the private collections and museums of the wealthier countries. Lacking sufficient funds and expertise at this time, China has adopted a policy of concealment, even going so far as to restrict access to the whole zone in which the pyramids lie, forbidding photography, and even placing trees on the sites to make them less easily detected by remote means, including satellite.

So it will be years, decades, or perhaps even generations before the world finally learns of the contents and purposes of the pyramid fields of China. However, one small group of amateur researchers have already come up with what may be an important clue.

Some researchers believe that the alignment of the pyramids at Giza match the alignment of the stars of Orion.
Those familiar with the Cayce readings on the Great Pyramid of Egypt know that the readings say the pyramid was constructed in 10,500 BC. That general time period was a major turning point for the world, because that was the time of a pole shift and the final sinking of Atlantis. Researchers have confirmed this date for the Giza complex of pyramids by a concept known as astro-archaeology. They have compared aspects of the physical structure of the site to known astronomical data. For example, Graham Hancock, one of the leaders in this field, has determined that the layout of the structures on the Giza plateau in Egypt exactly matches the layout of some of the stars in the constellation of Orion. Through the calculation of certain aspects of this layout, he was able to determine that these structures were designed to reflect a specific date in time, which would most probably be the date of construction. Hancock’s conclusion: Cayce was right – the pyramid complex was designed to reflect the date of 10,500 BC.

A field of pyramids is found to be in exact alignment with the stars in the constellation Gemini. Astro-archaeological techniques suggest a date of 10,500 BC for this site.
Other structures around the world have been found to match this general pattern, and they all point to a date of 10,500 BC. The latest of these appears to be the pyramids of China. A man experimenting with this idea presented by Hancock analyzed a photo of a field of pyramids southwest of Xi’an. By measuring the angles of the shadows and other aspects, a general survey for the site was developed. This survey yielded an interesting note: the layout of the pyramids reflects the position of stars in the constellation of Gemini. When an astronomical computer program is turned back to the date of 10,500 BC, the constellation upon the horizon at the spring equinox is Gemini. This seems to confirm the idea that this site was likely built in the year 10,500 BC.

The Chinese have a legend of an ancient magical people that lived in the world long ago. They lived in the area defined by Cayce as “the Gobi lands,” near Xi’an. These people were known as the Hsia, but they are considered to be merely legendary because it is not presently believed that civilization could have existed in China prior to 2000-4000 BC. The archaeologists say there is no evidence collected so far that suggests an earlier origin for Chinese civilization.

In China, as in Egypt and Mexico, archaeologists present us with a time line that tells us that relatively unsophisticated, unorganized people suddenly came together and created the greatest monuments of the ancient world. In Egypt, we are told that within the span of a few generations they went directly from cave dwelling to pyramid building. In China we’re told that there were just small villages, and then, after a couple centuries of nearly continuous warfare, suddenly there appeared an empire which built one of the greatest monuments of the world: the Great Wall of China. It seems easier to believe that these formidable projects were undertaken not by fledgling civilizations, but by well developed cultures with a long history of organization and achievement.

When the pyramids of China are finally opened, what will the people find? Will they find the remains of those who lived and died in the historic era, or will they find a new mystery — a legacy from a civilization that was of an age with Atlantis? What an exciting time that will be for all involved, and what a wonderful validation of yet another aspect of the Cayce readings!

If you would like to find out more about this astro-archaeological investigation of the pyramids of China, contact Mark Wells. You can also get information about the pyramids of China from the A.R.E. Clinic’s Internet Resource List.

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